
Leopold Hoesch


Astrid Bscher


Vera Bertram




ZDFtheater channel


1 x 15'




The theater makers


Often only the back of his head can be seen in the auditorium.
In the best case scenario, the arms.
But he is the musical head of an opera performance: the conductor.

For everyone on stage, he is the center of the performance. For the orchestral musicians and singers, he must be visible at every moment of the evening - live or via live transmission on the side stage. Sebastian Weigle is considered one of the most sought-after German conductors and is also General Music Director of the Frankfurt Opera House. He received his training at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin, where he also studied horn, piano and conducting. In addition to his specialist knowledge, however, it is above all his flair for dealing with people that is indispensable in his daily work. It is important to him to give every musician the feeling that they are needed. His credo: "The time of the maestro's habit is over. "The conductor works together with the orchestra to develop the performance of a musical work. He is largely responsible for the interpretation of the piece. As the leader of the orchestra, he must control the soloists and orchestral musicians and bring their individual performances together to create a musical synthesis of the arts.

First broadcast on the ZDF theater channel:

03.06.2010 12:50 pm and 9:10 pm

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